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How to untar a tar.gz file in terminal
How to untar a tar.gz file in terminal

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�TourStart here for a quick overview of the site�Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have�MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site�About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company�BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us I received a huge .tar.gz file from a client that contains about 800 mb of image files (when uncompressed.) Our hosting company's ftp is seriously slow, so extracting all the files locally and sending them up via ftp isn't practical.

I was able to ftp the .tar.gz file to our hosting site, but when I ssh into my directory and try using unzip, it gives me this error: [esthers@clients locations]$ unzip community_images.tar.gzArchive: community_images.tar.gzEnd-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.

In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive.note: community_images.tar.gz may be a plain executable, not an archiveunzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of community_images.tar.gz or, and cannot find community_images.tar.gz.ZIP, period.What command do I need to use to extract all the files in a .tar.gz file? Type man tar for more information, but this command should do the trick: tar -xvzf community_images.tar.gzTo explain a little further, tar collected all the files into one package, community_images.tar.

The filw program applied compression, hence the gz extension. So the command does a couple things.� f: this must be the last flag of the hoow, and the tar file must be immediately after. It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.� z: tells tar to decompress the archive using g zip� x: tar can collect files or e xtract them.

x does the latter.� v: makes tar talk a lot. Verbose output shows you all the files being extracted. @Shiki I saw your proposed edit. I don't think it's an appropriate change, I prefer the way I explained this tool.

I do think your tar -xf suggestion would make a great additional answer.� djeikyb Dec 2 '13 at 18:051 At some point tar was upgraded to auto-decompress. All you need now is: tar xf community_images.tar.gzThe same explanation applies:� f: this must be the last flag of the command, and the tar file must be immediately after. It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.� x: e xtract the ujtar the lack of hyphen for the command flags.

This is because most versions of tar allow both gnu and bsd style options (simplistically, gnu requires a hyphen, bsd doesn't). Is there any documentation on this? I've been searching all over for a reference to this, I never use the -z flag and everything gets gzipped so I've been worried if I haven't been compressing my tarballs at all, haha.

Thanks.� neurosnap Jul 10 '15 at 4:141 @Seth it feels/felt distinct enough to be a separate answer, especially in context of the destructive edit that provoked it.

I'll rethink it after filr though, might be a simpler way to merge than I originally thought.� djeikyb Jun 9 at 18:23 If you want the files to be extracted to a particular destination you can add -C /destination/path/Example: tar xf community_images.tar.gz -C /home/emmys/Pictures/Community/You can easily memorize it if you consider telling tar to e X tract a F ileNote: Make sure you make the directory first ( mkdir ~/Pictures/Community). TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther� Stack Overflow� Server Fault� Super User� Web Applications� Ask Ubuntu� Webmasters� Game Development� TeX - LaTeX� Programmers� Unix & Linux� Ask Different (Apple)� WordPress Development� Geographic Information Systems� Electrical Engineering� Android Enthusiasts� Information Security� Database Administrators� Drupal Answers� SharePoint� User Experience� Mathematica� Salesforce� ExpressionEngine� Answers� Cryptography� Code Review� Magento� Signal Processing� Raspberry Pi� Programming Puzzles & Code Golf�more (7)� Photography� Science Fiction & Fantasy� Graphic Design� Movies & TV� Tar.gz Practice & Theory� Seasoned Advice (cooking)� Home Improvement� Personal Finance & Money� Academia�more (8)� English Language & Usage� Skeptics� Mi Yodeya (Judaism)� Travel� Christianity� English Language Learners� Japanese Language� Arqade (gaming)� Bicycles� Role-playing Games� Anime & Manga�more (18)� Mathematics� Cross Validated (stats)� Theoretical Computer Science� Physics� MathOverflow� Chemistry� Biology� Computer Science� Philosophy�more (3)� Stack Apps� Meta Stack Exchange� Area 51� Stack Overflow Careers �TourStart here for a quick overview of the site�Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have�MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site�About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company�BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us I untad a huge .tar.gz file from a client that contains about 800 mb of image files (when uncompressed.) Our hosting company's ftp is seriously slow, so extracting all the files locally and sending them up via ftp isn't practical.

I was able to ftp the .tar.gz file to our hosting site, but when I ssh into my directory and try using unzip, it gives me this error: [esthers@clients locations]$ unzip community_images.tar.gzArchive: community_images.tar.gzEnd-of-central-directory rar.gz not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive.note: community_images.tar.gz may be a plain executable, not an archiveunzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of community_images.tar.gz or, and cannot find ij, period.What command do I need to use to extract all the files in a .tar.gz file? Type man tar for more information, but this command should do the trick: tar -xvzf community_images.tar.gzTo explain a little further, tar collected all the files into one package, community_images.tar.

The gzip program applied compression, hence the gz extension. So the command does a couple things.� f: this must be the last flag of the command, and the tar file must be immediately after. It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.� z: tells tar to decompress the archive ni g zip� x: tar can collect files or e xtract them.

x does the latter.� v: makes tar talk a lot. Verbose output shows you all the files being extracted. @Shiki I saw your proposed edit. I don't think it's an appropriate change, I prefer the way I explained this tool.

I do think your tar -xf suggestion would make a great additional answer.� djeikyb Dec un '13 at 18:051 At some point tar was upgraded to auto-decompress. All you need now is: tar xf community_images.tar.gzThe same explanation applies:� f: this must be the last flag of the command, and the tar file must be immediately after.

It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.� x: e xtract the files.Note the lack of hyphen for the command flags. This is because most versions of tar allow both gnu and bsd style options (simplistically, gnu requires a hyphen, bsd doesn't). Is there any documentation on this? I've been searching all over for a reference to this, I never use the -z flag and everything gets gzipped so I've been worried if I haven't been compressing my tarballs at all, haha. Thanks.� neurosnap Jul 10 '15 at 4:141 @Seth it feels/felt distinct enough to be a separate answer, especially in context of the destructive edit that provoked it.

I'll rethink it after work though, might be a simpler way to merge than I originally thought.� djeikyb Jun 9 at 18:23 If you want the files to be extracted to a particular destination you can add -C /destination/path/Example: tar xf community_images.tar.gz -C /home/emmys/Pictures/Community/You can easily memorize it if you consider telling tar to e X tract a F ileNote: Make sure you make the directory first ( mkdir ~/Pictures/Community). TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther� Stack Overflow� Server Fault� Super User� Web Applications� Ask Ubuntu� Webmasters� Game Development� TeX - LaTeX� Programmers� Unix & Linux� Ask Different (Apple)� WordPress Development� Geographic Information Systems� Electrical Engineering� Android Enthusiasts� Information Security� Database Administrators� Drupal Answers� SharePoint� User Experience� Mathematica� Salesforce� ExpressionEngine� Answers� Cryptography� Code Review� Magento� Signal Processing� Raspberry Pi� Programming Puzzles & Code Golf�more (7)� Photography� Science Fiction & Fantasy� Graphic Design� Movies & TV� Music: Practice & Theory� Seasoned Advice (cooking)� Terminsl Improvement� Personal Finance & Money� Academia�more (8)� English Language & Usage� Skeptics� Mi Yodeya (Judaism)� Travel� Christianity� English Language Learners� Japanese Language� Arqade (gaming)� Bicycles� Role-playing Games� Anime & Manga�more (18)� Mathematics� Cross Validated (stats)� Theoretical Computer Science� Physics� MathOverflow� Chemistry� Biology� Computer Science� Philosophy�more (3)� Stack Apps� Meta Stack Exchange� Area 51� Stack Overflow Careers I have downloaded a file called foo.tar.gz from the Internets.

How do I extract tar.gz file under Linux / UNIX like operating systems using command line options?A tarball (tar.gz file) is nothing but compressed tar archive.The tar program provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as various other kinds of manipulation. For example, you can use Tar on previously created archives to extract files, to store additional files, or to update or list files which were already stored.Initially, tar archives were used to store files conveniently on magnetic tape.

The name �Tar� comes from this use; it stands for tape archiver. Despite the utility�s name, Tar can direct its output to available devices, files, or other programs (using pipes), tdrminal can even access remote devices or files (as archives). The tar command is available on Linux (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Debian/Ubuntu and all other distros), BSD (OpenBSD/NetBSD/FreeBSD), Apple OS X, HP-UX, AIX, and other Unix like operating systems. SyntaxThe syntax is as follows: tar options file.tar.gztar options file.tar.gz patterntar -xf file.tar.gztar -xvf file.tar.gztar -zxvf file.tar.gztar -zxvf file.tar.gz file1 file2 dir1 dir2 Extract tr.gz.

fileTo extract one or more members from an archive, enter:$ tar -zxvf { file.tar.gz}If your tarball name is backup.tar.gz, enter the following at a shell prompt to extract files:$ tar -zxvf backup.tar.gzTo extract resume.doc file from backup.tar.gz tarball, enter:$ tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz resume.docWhere,� -z : Work on gzip compression automatically when reading archives.� -x : Extract archives.� -v : Produce verbose output i.e.

display progress and extracted file list on screen.� -f : Read the archive from the archive to the specified file. In this example, read backups.tar.gz archive.� -t : List the files in the archive.Extracting an entire archiveTo extract an entire archive, specify the archive file name only, with no individual file names as arguments.tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz List files in archiveTo view a detailed table of contents (list of file), enter::$ tar -tvf backup.tar.gz See also� Man pages: tar(1)Share this tutorial on: About the author: Vivek Gite is a seasoned sysadmin and a hlw for the Linux/Unix & shell scripting.

Follow him on Twitter. OR read more like this:� How To Extract a Tar Files To a Different Directory fiel a Linux/Unix-like�� Creating A tar File in Linux Via Command Line Options� How do I Compress a Whole Linux or UNIX Directory?� Tar Extract a Single File(s) Dile a Large Tarball� HowTo: Unpack .tgz File On a Linux� Linux: tar Extract Files� How do I use cpio command under Linux?� How To Extract a Single File / Directory from Tarball Archive� List the contents of a tar or tar.gz file� HowTo: Open a Tar.gz File In Linux / Unix when I am trying flle tar a .tar.gz file using the all kind of command as ststed above it is showing that 1) tar: child returned how to untar a tar.gz file in terminal 12) tar: errors exit delayed from previous errorusing centos 64 bit OS I want to extract sysbench- that i wget from SourceForge but got this error.

Please help.[root@cdn temp]# tar -zxvf sysbench- This does not look like a tar archivetar: Skipping to next headertar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors I have the same problem when trying to extract flashplayer 11 plugin, help please. :'(tar: install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directorytar: Error is not recoverable: exiting nowtar: Child returned status 2tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors Also a great tip i learned for extracting.Sometimes you just need to extract the contents into the same directory.Most tared up files have a container folder.To simply overide that just hntar ��strip 1� at the end of the command.

$ tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz -strip 1You Welcome! This is something I feel is missed on every explanation of using tar with compression.The options must be done in order. for example to create a compressed tarball using xz, you would do -Jcvf or gz would be -jcvf. j or J is the compression. c means create, v is verbose, which you don�t need to do, and f is, name it the following name.HOWEVER, if you did, -xvfj, it would create an error, because the options must be in order.

The first letter has to be the type of compression. The next letter is what to do, as in compress or extract. Followed by misc options which can unar of verbose etc. and the last letter should be f if you are naming the file something.Many programs do not care what order you put options in, but tar does.So, compression type : what to do : misc options : how are you handling it, like name it this file. � 30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered how to untar a tar.gz file in terminal 2013� 30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X� Top 30 Nmap Command Examples For Sys/Network Admins� 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins� 20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know� 20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips� L�TourStart etrminal for a quick overview of the site�Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have�MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site�About UsLearn more about Overflow the company�BusinessLearn more about hiring or posting ads with us Announcing Stack Overflow DocumentationWe started with Q&A.

Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping >Learn terminall about Documentation > closed as off topic by Brian Agnew, John Zwinck, Mark, innaM, Spudley May 3 '13 at 11:46Questions on Stack Overflow are expected to relate to programming within the scope defined by the community. Consider editing the question or leaving comments teerminal improvement if you believe the question can be reworded to fit within the scope.

Read more about reopening questions here. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question. TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther� Stack Overflow� Server Fault� Super User� Web Applications� Ask Ubuntu� Webmasters� Game Development� TeX - LaTeX� Programmers� Unix & Linux� Ask Different (Apple)� WordPress Development� Geographic Information Systems� Electrical Engineering� Android Enthusiasts� Information Security� Database Administrators� Drupal Answers� SharePoint� User Experience� Mathematica� Salesforce� ExpressionEngine� Answers� Cryptography� Code Review� Magento� Signal Processing� Raspberry Pi� Programming Puzzles & Code Golf�more (7)� Photography� Science Fiction & Cile Graphic Design� Movies & TV� Music: Practice & Theory� Seasoned Termlnal (cooking)� Home Improvement� Personal Finance & Money� Academia�more (8)� English Language & Usage� Skeptics� Mi Yodeya (Judaism)� Travel� Christianity� English Language Learners� Japanese Language� Arqade (gaming)� Role-playing Games� Anime & Manga�more (18)� Mathematics� Cross Validated (stats)� Theoretical Computer Science� Physics� MathOverflow� Chemistry� Biology� Computer Science� Philosophy�more (3)� Stack Apps� Meta Stack Exchange� Area 51� Stack Overflow Careers What command do I filr to unzip/extract a .tar.gz file?installation - How to extract a tar.gz fileHow to unzip .tgz file using the terminal?How to open a tar file in Unix or LinuxHow to Create & Extract tar.gz and tar.bz2 Files in Linux tar xvzf file .tar .gzThe options are pretty straightforward for this:x: This tells tar to extract the files.v: This option will list all of the files one by one in the archive.

The �v� stands for �verbose.�z: The z option is very important and tells the tar command hoq uncompress the file ( gzip).f: This options tells tar that you are going to give it a file name to work with. tar xvjf file .tar .tbzThis is just about the same as the gzip decompression. The major difference is that the z�option has been replaced by the j�option.If you remember, the z option was the uncompress (specifically gzip) flag, so it makes sense that this would be switched out.j:�This will decompress a bzip2 file. There are only a handful of people that actually remember all of the options for the tar command.

Luckily, Linux folks are great at making things easier.Standing for �Do the Right Extraction,� dtrx works as you would hope. The command should be simple for both gZip and bZip2 files: Ryan Frankel has been a professional in the tech industry for more than 10 years and has been ho websites for more than 15. With his background in integrated circuit design and digital signal processing, he has a fundamental understanding of hardware systems and the software that runs them.

Ryan now sits as the CTO of Digital Brands Inc. and manages all of the server infrastructure of their websites, as well as their development team.

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How do I open/extract/unpack a tar.gz file on Linux or Unix like operating systems using shell prompt?A .tar.gz (also .tgz) file is nothing but an archive. It is a file that acts as a container for other files. An archive can contain many files, folders, and subfolders, usually in compressed form using gzip or bzip2 program on Unix like operating systems.Say hi to ungar command line toolYou need to use the tar command which can create and manipulate archive files in .tar.gz under Unix like operating systems.

Open a command-line terminal (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal), and then type the following to open and extract a .tar.gz file: tar -zxvf data.tar.gzWhere,� -z : Uncompress taar.gz resulting archive with gzip command.� -x : Extract to disk from the archive.� -v : Produce verbose output i.e.

show progress and file names while extracting files.� -f data.tar.gz : Read the archive from the specified file called data.tar.gz.By defaults files will be extracted into the current directory. To change the directory use -C option.

In this example, extract files in /data/projects directory: tar -tzvf data.tar.gzSample outputs:-rw-r-r- root/root 2981 2012-01-11 03:24 etc/adduser.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 6302 2012-01-11 04:46 etc/ca-certificates.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 2969 2011-01-31 00:14 etc/debconf.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 600 2010-11-22 02:46 etc/deluser.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 346 2010-12-05 20:23 etc/discover-modprobe.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 8661 2011-12-31 21:45 etc/ffserver.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 2940 2011-01-24 00:26 etc/gai.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 899 2009-08-31 12:51 etc/gssapi_mech.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 4794 2010-09-30 17:44 etc/hdparm.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 9 2006-08-07 22:44 etc/host.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 145 2010-08-26 08:09 etc/idmapd.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 882 2010-05-07 15:33 etc/insserv.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 31393 2007-10-21 13:50 etc/jwhois.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 144 2012-01-11 04:55 etc/kernel-img.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 1180 2009-04-24 02:55 etc/kerneloops.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 34 2012-01-11 03:23 etc/ root/root 3587 2010-04-10 03:54 etc/lftp.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 26 2010-08-14 20:40 etc/libao.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 191 2010-06-18 19:54 etc/libaudit.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 599 2009-02-19 17:27 etc/logrotate.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 15752 2009-07-25 20:43 etc/ltrace.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 801 2011-06-20 08:24 etc/mke2fs.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 624 2010-02-15 10:09 etc/mtools.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 513 2012-01-11 04:53 etc/nsswitch.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 552 2010-10-19 22:22 etc/pam.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 7649 2012-01-11 04:53 etc/pnm2ppa.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 2724 2010-08-08 01:33 etc/reportbug.conf-rwxr-xr-x root/root 332 2012-05-05 14:14 etc/resolv.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 2573 2012-04-06 00:00 etc/rsyslog.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 8596 2010-05-26 23:02 etc/sensors3.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 7093 2010-12-26 17:23 etc/smartd.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 2089 2012-02-26 03:35 etc/sysctl.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 645 2009-03-25 16:35 etc/ts.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 1260 2008-05-30 11:52 etc/ucf.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 274 2009-11-04 03:46 etc/updatedb.conf-rw-r-r- root/root 571 2010-11-11 20:13 etc/usb_modeswitch.conffile-roller: GUI toolYou can use the Archive Manager GUI application to create, view, modify, or unpack an archive.

You can start Archive Manager by clicking onApplications menu > Choose AccessoriesA�> Archive Manager Fig.02: Linux: Open Files With an Archive ManagerOnce opened you can view or extract files. To select all files in an archive, choose EditA�> Select All or press Ctrl+A. To extract files from an open archive:Select the files that you want to extract.� Choose ArchiveA�> Extract to display the Extract dialog.

Alternatively click Extract in the toolbar.� Select the folder where Archive Manager extracts the files.� Click Extract. About the author: Vivek Gite is a seasoned sysadmin and a trainer for the Linux/Unix & shell scripting.

Follow him on Twitter. OR read more like this:� List The Contents Of a tar.bz2 Tarball File� Linux: tar Extract Files� Extract tar.gz File� Linux / Unix: Tarball Delete ( remove ) File� How To Extract a Tar Files To a Different Directory on a Linux/Unix-like�� Howto Extract Zip Files in a Linux and Unix-like Systems� How do I Compress a Whole Linux or UNIX Directory?� Bash Iterate Array Examples� HowTo: Unpack .tgz File On a Linux� Creating A tar File in Linux Via Command Line Options Yawn.

This is why linux after all these years is a waste of space. In 10 years you still haven�t managed to create a double click installer. Common fanboys hit me with your arrogant linux attitude. I don�t want to hear your explanations no one wants tar files no one wants to use a tegminal and until you have a double click install hlw zip, rar and 7z support i will always call linux rubbish. see yah. Actually it is supported and additional archieve formats cContents� Mac OS X users� Unpacking .tar.gz files� Unpacking .tar files� Unpacking .zip filesMac OS X usersMac OS X will unpack a .tar.gz.tar, or .zip file automatically when you double-click on its icon.

(Note that it may be necessary terminak unpack some files twice.)If you would rather follow the UNIX-style instructions below ij can use the Terminal command-line application, which can be found in your Utilities folder.

Unpacking .tar.gz filesFirst, ensure that you have a shell running and cd to the same directory as the downloaded file. To unpack a .tar.gz file, say foo.tar.gz, use the following command: gunzip -c foo.tar.gz | tar xopf - Tar.gz newly extracted files will be created in the current directory. If you also wish to see a list of the files as they are extracted, instead use the command gunzip -c foo.tar.gz | tar xopft - Unpacking .tar filesFirst, ensure that you have a shell running and cd to the same directory as the downloaded file.

To unpack a .tar file, say foo.tar, use the following command: tar xopf foo.tar The newly extracted files will be created in the current directory. If you also wish to see a list of the files as they are extracted, instead use the command tar xopft foo.tar Unpacking .zip filesMost modern Windows environments already know how to unpack .zip files.

If this is the case, the icon for the .zip file should look like a normal folder icon with a zipper on it. To extract the files within, right click ujtar the file and select the �Extract All� option.If using a version of Windows without inbuilt support for .zip files, you will need to download a zip file extractor such as JustZIPIt or the How to untar a tar.gz file in terminal tools.

Refer to the documentation provided with whichever program you choose for further instructions.If, for some reason, you wish to unpack the .zip files on a termial platform, this is possible. Your operating system may already have a copy of the unzip program (or similar); otherwise it may be downloaded from the Info-ZIP website. Since the files in the ferminal archives use Windows-style line terminators, you will need to pass the -a option to unzip in order to extract them with UNIX-style line terminators (also needed for Mac OS X).

For instance, to extract files from the file, use the following command: unzip -a

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