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8 of wands reversed
8 of wands reversed

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Eight of Wands - ReversedEight of Wands (R) - You tend to get carried awaywith new ideas. Try not to loose sight of your perspective or yourself-confidence now. Take any sudden infatuations or new ideas in strideand control your emotions. Your own apprehension can create insecurefeelings and cause you to procrastinate.

Act swiftly and communicatedirectly. Jealousy arises from uncertainty and confusion - in both yourown feelings and the feelings of others. Quarreling solves nothing and anyforce or pressure could ruin all your plans. When things are not"working for you" - take the time to reevaluate your situation.Know and trust that a slight adjustment can and will change everything.Here are the problems of extremes - a major temptation is to move toofast.

To try is like letting a rubberband be drawn tighter as the lead endmove on - eventually the tail end must be let loose and will springforward to join the lead end in one great snap to make up for the losttime.

The backlash can hurt.Questions to Answer: What are you rushing into? A relationship?A new direction for growth? A belief or philosophy? What are you being"carried away" by or overwhelmed with? What do you feel the urgeto move on quickly? What do you need to tell others about? EIGHT OF WANDSEIGHT OF WANDS� QUICK ACTION� CONCLUSION� NEWS[ Actions ] [ Opposing Cards ] [ Reinforcing Cards ] [ Description ] [ Reversed?

]ACTIONS taking quick action making your movestriking while the iron is hotdeclaring yourself openlyputting plans into actionrushing into a new areamoving into high geargetting caught up in changecoming to a conclusion culminating an efforthaving all elements come togetherclosing out an activityexperiencing a grand finalefinding a successful resolutioncompleting unfinished businessreceiving news getting an important messageobtaining a needed bit of informationfinding the missing puzzle piecediscovering the truthhaving a meaningful conversationlearning moreOPPOSING CARDS: Some Possibilities� High Priestess - waiting, holding off� Four of Swords - not rushing in, preparing� Seven of Pentacles - assessment, taking stock before actionREINFORCING CARDS: Some Possibilities� Magician - taking action, carrying out plans� Wheel of Fortune - rapid pace, quick developments� Death - conclusion, endings� Eight of Cups - finishing up, ending a chapterDESCRIPTIONIn the film The Ten Commandments, Moses touches his staff to water to set a plague in motion.

His staff is the agent of power that initiates events. Moses' staff reminds me of the wands on this card. They are a symbol of the onset of action and its effects.

Before acting, we think, imagine, speculate, talk and dream. This is the realm of air - the sky. Then, finally, we decide to make our move. We bring our ideas down to earth and put them into action.In readings, the Eight of Wands is often a sign that now is the time to declare yourself. All the elements are ready and will work for you as long as you don't hesitate.

The iron is hot - so strike! If events are in motion, they will proceed rapidly. You may feel caught in a whirlwind, but soon the dust will settle, and you see how your plans have fared.The Eight of Wands also stands for the arrival of news or information. You may see or hear something important. The news could show up in a disguised form, so stay alert.

Pay attention to everything that comes your way for a while.This card also signifies endings. Sooner or later all activities run their course. The eight wands on this card not only symbolize putting events into motion, but also bringing them to a close. They appear to be ending their flight by coming down to earth.

If you see the Eight of Wands in a reading, it may be time to conclude whatever you have been doing. Celebrate the past, but prepare to move on to something new. What is going on? You are not allowed to access the requested page. If you are the site owner, please open a ticket in our support page if you think it was caused by an error:

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Interested? Visit � 2016, Sucuri LLC. All rights reserved.Terms of Service | Privacy Policy Questions? Welcome to Aeclectic's Using Tarot Cards forum! This board is for discussion of the card meanings and symbolism, and the many ways of reading tarot cards.To get the most from your posts, please read the Using Tarot Cards Posting Rules, and make sure that.- You're asking about individual cards or combinations (not your entire reading)- Complete readings are posted in Your Readings for feedback- You write your own interpretation of any cards FIRST, before asking for help- You give detailed feedback to anyone who helped youThank you, and enjoy your journey with your Tarot cards! We are the oldest and largest Tarot forum community on the Internet.

If you have any questions about any aspect of Tarot or using your cards, or you just want to connect with other Tarot enthusiasts, you've found the right place!Registering your account is completely free, and allows you to post, share readings, search, view extra boards and more.Hope to see you in the forum soon! I saw this card a lot recently in doing love readings for others as practice. At first, I thought this is about jealousy, but none of the case I've encountered involve jealousy issues.So I was wondering what other meanings are attached to this card in relationship reading.Some of the meanings I already knew are:1) things not working out as expected2) stifled enery3) delay4) quarrels, arguments29-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off!

Top# 1 __________________Full cup, steady hand.Ah! But you are using your brain to dispute my new-age wisdom.It's not intuition, its intelligence.29-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off! Top# 2 could be many thing. Ive gotten this card in the past and it meant overheated passion between me and another person that did not last at all.

so we are super into each other right away and the passion is strong, maybe lust is involved too and then it dies out quickly. i've also gotten it in a delay in seeing the other person or not getting a phone call from them.29-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off!

Top# 3 This card come up as communication a lot for me so.I would say no communication, end of communication, trouble communicating.Bronwyn29-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off!

Top# 4 On one occasion this reversed card was for a delay in hearing from someone of over a week - at least eight days ! Another time it gave me an answer i was expecting and didn't want to see. Of all the cards this is perhaps the one which appears reversed less than any other for me.29-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off!

Top# 5 I always, I mean ALWAYS, get the 8 W RX when I have trouble getting online, or the computer is acting up, or Windows decides it is going to nap for a while. So, yes, communication problems, cannot get a message to the other side, to the receiver.

The message does not get to its destination - like one way communication. Maybe someone needs to check their voicemail box - it is full and all those people are waiting for their messages to be read30-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off! Top# 6 Ugh, this card is also currently coming up for me. waiting for communications from a certain person.

I usually see RX cards as the energy is there, but blocked or unable to manifest. So if he was able to contact me right away (swift like the 8 wands), the card would be upright, kind of thing.Maybe try to ask what it represents in your situation (if communication, a page may appear, etc.) and what's blocking its energy?30-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off!

Top# 7 I would tend to view this as something is getting in the way. Whatever it is, no idea. 8 of Wands usually relates to swiftness, and quickly moving to a successful outcome, as such. If that is the case, then since reversals usually indicate a blockage, in this case I would say it is more like instead of being able to go in a straight line, per se, but weave in and out of here, there and anywhere.

There are things that need to be sidestepped, things that need to be stepped over, and there are things that you need to duck. It just makes me think of an obstacle course!30-03-2008Limited time only: Chat live with a Tarot reader now and get 50% off! Top# 9 The eight of swords reversed can mean that things do not turn out as one might have hoped or thought they would.

This may or may not be (seen as) unfortunate, depending on your orientation. Sometimes all the frenetic thinking about and busy plans we do surrounding a given event, situation or relationship is not going to go smoothly or pan out.

Silence and prayerful centering in one's heart are key to this reversal, making room for the emptiness that is necessary for the fullness the upright hints towards. All times are GMT +10.

The time now is 20:05.Tarot Forum CategoriYou are welcome to share the information on this site with others, although I do request that you include this website address, credit your source/page links and author.

All postings by Joanne Walmsley - Sacred Scribes may be used for personal, not-for-profit purposes only.Joanne Walmsley Sacred KEYWORDS:Swiftness, great haste, completion, fulfilment, great hope, assured felicity, movement, progress, speed, action.ASTROLOGY:SagittariusAriesCapricornPLANETS:JupiterMarsNUMBER:834 / 7GNOTHOLOGY:Executive Power and AbilityRELATES TO PEOPLE BORN:22nd of November to the 3rd of DecemberTIMING:2nd to the 7th of AugustSYMBOL:�Cupids Arrow of Love�HERB: SASSAFRASSassafras is a demulcent, an ultrative and a stimulant.�It is also a diuretic and aromatic.Sassafras is used for blood purification and skin eruptions.�It is also excellent for sores, boils, cancer and urinary problems.THE MESSAGE:The Eight of Wands tells of earthly progress, judgment, regeneration, power and ability.The Eight of Wands represents motion through the immovable.

The Wands are drawing towards the term of their course - they are on the threshold of that which they signify.The 8 of Wands is a card of balance and communication.The Eight of Wands marks a period in life when everything seems to be running smoothly and is going according to plan.�On our life paths we must realize that we need conflict, competition and tests to enable us to face, deal with and overcome our difficulties and propel us forward.�In this way we facilitate our life lessons.With this though we need the reward of peace, encouragement and silence to make the struggle seem worthwhile.The message of the VIII of Wands is to take full advantage of these times in your life, as the suit of Wands indicates that these phases do not last for too long.The 8 of Wands tells of giving one�s all to others.

The message is to gather your strengths and take care of yourself first and foremost.The 8 of Wands relates to the number 8, which is the number of power and karma.�The Eight of Wands indicates that this power is to be used for the highest good.�In its relation to karma, the 8 of Wands reminds you to sow what you wish to reap.The VIII of Wands relates to the number 34 / 7, and indicates that one is intuitive, creative, imaginative and one who strives for protection.�The 8 of Wands in its relation to the number 34 / 7, tells of gains made through perseverance.�There are inclinations towards the spiritual side of life, and a deep sense of inner-worship.MEANING:When the Eight of Wands appears in a reading it indicates that there is a focus on fast-moving events and actions.The 8 of Wands indicates that your goals are within reach.

Your job now is to maintain the momentum and continue along this path, to success.�It asks that you remain diligent and steadfast in your attitude and demeanour.Progress towards a satisfactory conclusion of any matter at hand is indicated by the appearance of the 8 of Wands.�The delays are over and the hold-ups done with, and good things will begin to happen in your life.In regards to travel, the VIII of Wands tells of a journey or trip to be made in conjunction with business or is work-related.If you are waiting for a reply to a letter or phone call (or email), you will not have to wait too much longer.�The response could contain the promise of a new love.If a situation has been stagnant for some time, you may be surprised by a rapid progression towards a conclusion, indicated by the presence of the Eight of Wands.The 8 of Wands implies that if you work as a team and co-operate, quick results will be produced.The Eight of Wands tells that you are aware of your desires and should take the initiative, then realize them.�This is a most positive time to make changes.The 8 of Wands in a reading indicates that you may be faced with obstacles and hindrances on all sides.�Eight of Wands can suggest that you may be facing inner-turmoil, struggles and confusion.

You will need to remain alert and adaptable in order to see your way through at this time.The Eight of Wands in a reading may indicate lots of movement, be it traveling or even moving residence. It indicates travel in connection with business.The 8 of Wands tells of a need to reach goals that you have set for yourself.�Check that they are viable and realistic, so as to not disappoint yourself unduly.The Eight of Wands indicates a time in which delays, setbacks and obstacles are behind you at the present time, and the future looks very positive and exciting.The 8 of Wands suggests that the time is perfect for purposeful activity, and that all new undertakings will be successful.Eights in a reading are very positive and represent positive changes to come.�The Eight of Wands asks that you follow your inner wisdom and to go inwards for guidance and direction.Take stock of where you are in your life and change what no longer suits you.Health-wise, the Eight of Wands tells that tensions and an� Home� About� About Me� Course Background� Copyright Rules� Legal Disclaimer� Sample Tarot Reader�s Code of�Ethics� The 78 Cards ��Detailed� The 78 Cards ��Brief� Wands� The Ace of�Wands� Wands Health Meanings � Ace to�Ten� Wands � Love and Romance�Associations� Two (II) of�Wands� Three (III) of�Wands� Four (IV) of�Wands� Five (V) of�Wands� Six (VI) of�Wands� Seven (VII) of�Wands� Eight (VIII) of�Wands� Nine (IX) of�Wands� Ten (X) of�Wands� The Page of�Wands� The Knight of�Wands� Cups� Ace of Cups� Cups Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Cups � Love and Romance�Associations� Two of Cups� Three (III) of�Cups� Four (IV) of�Cups� Five (V) of�Cups� Six (VI) of�Cups� Seven (VII) of�Cups� Eight (VII) of�Cups� Nine (IX) of�Cups� Ten (X) of�Cups� The Page of�Cups� The Knight of�Cups� Swords� Ace of Swords� Swords Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Swords � Love and Romance�Associations� Two (II) of�Swords� Three (III) of�Swords� Four (IV) of�Swords� Five (V) of�Swords� Six (VI) of�Swords� Seven (VII) of�Swords� Eight (VIII) of�Swords� Nine (IX) of�Swords� Ten (X) 8 of wands reversed The Page of�Swords� The Knight of�Swords� Pentacles� Ace of Pentacles� Pentacles Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Pentacles � Love and Romance�Associations� Two (II) of�Pentacles� Three (III) of�Pentacles� Four (IV) of�Pentacles� Five (V) of�Pentacles� Six (VI) of�Pentacles� Seven (VII) of�Pentacles� Eight (VIII) of�Pentacles� Nine (IX) of�Pentacles� Ten (X) of�Pentacles� The Page of�Pentacles� Part I Minor�Arcana� Lesson 1� Homework� Lesson 2� The Collective Unconscious, Archetypes and�Symbols� Dreams and Symbols� The Subconscious and�Tarot� Psychic Protection & Chakra�Cleansing� Cleansing, Protection & Grounding�Methods� Worksheets� Sample Worksheets� Homework� Lesson 3� Numerology� Destiny Number� Personal Year Number� Numerology Letter Box� Colour Meaning in�Tarot� Symbolism� The Elements &�Astrology� Lesson 4� The Suit of�Wands� The Suit of�Cups� The Suit of�Swords� The Suit of�Pentacles� Lesson 5 � The Four Aces &�Twos� Aces Intro� Twos (II) Intro� The Ace of�Wands� Two (II) of�Wands� Ace of Cups� Two of Cups� Ace of Swords� Two (II) of�Swords� Ace of Pentacles� Two (II) of�Pentacles� Card Spreads� Practice Reading Aces� Reading Interpetations� Homework Lesson 3,4 &�5� Lesson 6 � The Four Threes &�Fours� Threes Intro� Fours Intro� Three (III) of�Wands� Four (IV) of�Wands� Three (III) of�Cups� Four (IV) of�Cups� Three (III) of�Swords� Four (IV) of�Swords� Three (III) of�Pentacles� Four (IV) of�Pentacles� Supplements� The Chakra System� The 7 Main�Chakras� Homework� Lesson 7 � The Four Fives &�Sixes� The Fives Intro� The Sixes Intro� Five (V) of�Wands� Six (VI) of�Wands� Five (V) of�Cups� Six (VI) of�Cups� Five (V) of�Swords� Six (VI) of�Swords� Five (V) of�Pentacles� Six (VI) of�Pentacles� Homework � Lesson�7� Upright and Reversed Fives � Training�Exercise� Lesson 8 � The Four Seven &�Eights� Seven�s Intro� Eights Intro� The Seven (VII) of�Wands� The Eight (VIII) of�Wands� The Seven (VII) of�Cups� The Eight (VIII) of�Cups� The Seven (VII) of�Swords� The Eight (VIII) of�Swords� The Seven (VII) of�Pentacles� The Eight (VIII) of�Pentacles� Lesson 9 � The Four Nines &�Tens� Nines Intro� Tens Intro� Nine (IX) of�Wands� Ten (X) of�Wands� Nine (IX) of�Cups� Ten (X) of�Cups� Nine (IX) of�Swords� Ten (X) of�Swords� Nine (IX) of�Pentacles� Ten (X) of�Pentacles� Wands Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Cups Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Swords Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Pentacles Health Interpretations � Ace to�Ten� Health Card Combinations� Sample Health Readings Minor�Arcana� Lesson 10� Sample Tarot Brochure� Minor Arcana � Four Suits � Ace to Ten � Snapshot�Meanings� Lesson 11 � Step-by-Step Guide to doing a Tarot�Reading� Part II The Court�Cards� Lesson 1� Pages Intro� The Page of�Wands� The Page of�Cups� The Page of�Swords� The Page of�Pentacles� The Air Signs� Gemini� Libra� Aquarius� Homework� Lesson 2� The Knights Intro� The Drama of The Four�Knights� The Knight of�Wands� The Knight of�Cups� The Knight of�Swords� The Knight of�Pentacles� The Fire Signs� Aries� Leo� Sagittarius� The Knight of Wands � Relationship Reading�Practice� Homework� Lesson 3� The Queen�s Intro� The Queen of�Wands� The Queen of�Cups� The Queen of�Swords� The Queen of�Pentacles� The Water Signs� Cancer� Scorpio� Pisces� Homework� Lesson 4� The Kings Intro� The King of�Wands� The King of�Cups� The King of�Swords� The King of�Pentacles� The Earth Signs� Taurus� Virgo� Capricorn� Homework� Life Review Reading� Making Connections Between�Cards� Tarot Sun Sign & Body Health�Chart� Part III Major�Arcana� The Kabbalah� The Tree of Life and�Tarot� Homework� Lesson 1� The Fool (0) ��Upright� The Fool (0)�Reversed� Homework� Lesson 2� The Magician (I)�Upright� The Magician (I)�Reversed� The High Priestess (II)�Upright� The High Priestess (II)�Reversed� The Empress (III)�Upright� The Empress (III)�Reversed� Homework� Assignments� Lesson 3� The Emperor (IV� Home� Learn Tarot� Learn Tarot� Free Downloads� Tarot Card Meanings� Tarot Card Meanings� Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings� Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings� eBooks & Guides� Masterclasses� Courses� Certification� Community� Join the Community� Login� Get a Tarot Reading� Professional Readings� Free Tarot Card Reading� Biddy Tarot Certified Readers� Soul-Powered Business� Free Training� Grow your Tarot Business Online� 1:1 Business Coaching� Blog� Podcast� About� Meet Brigit� Contact and FAQ Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and DescriptionThe Eight of Wands shows eight blossoming wands hurtling through the air at a great pace.

The flight of the wands suggests change, movement and travel. The background is clear, indicating that there is now little that stands in your way, and there is a beautiful river flowing freely and giving life to the landscape around it. Upright Eight of Wands Tarot Card MeaningsThe Eight of Wands indicates that the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans and activities once again.

The Eight of Wands contains a high level of energy and movement that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. You can expect to be very busy but this is one of those �good busy� periods where you are enthusiastic and energetic about the progress you are making.The Eight of Wands represents a very focused kind of motion and activity. The Eights are all about structure while the Wands are about raw energy.

Thus, the structure of the Eight creates a channel through which the raw energy can flow. You are so sure about your goal that all distractions have been removed and you can devote yourself to the task with complete concentration, determination, and will. This experience can be very productive, allowing you to accomplish a lot in short time.With the Eight of Wands, you can look forward to the rapid completion of a project that is currently underway but you can also expect to be occupied by something new and even more exciting and inspiring very soon.

There really is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and cannot wait to achieve one task in order to start another. To maximise this energy, it is important to ensure that your activities are focused on your broader goals and that you are investing in the right things at the right time. Also, make sure that before you move to the next task, your previous task is complete.This card is a sign to �strike while the iron is hot�.

It is most definitely an action-oriented card that encourages you to move quickly to pursue the best opportunities available right now. There is no waiting around while the Eight of Wands is present so determine where your energy will be directed and get on with it!Often, the Eight of Wands suggests air travel. It is more likely to be a short-term or whirlwind trip, such as a business trip or holiday. You may even enjoy being part of a tour group that visits ten countries in as many days!On the downside, the Eight of Wands denotes haste and rapid advancement of a situation which may result in the wrong decisions being made.

It will be important to have all your resources available to be used in your best interests. Be mindful not to rush into things without having a clear plan of where you are heading. Reversed Eight of Wands Tarot Card MeaningsThe Eight of Wands 8 of wands reversed can indicate significant delays, particularly with regard to travel or fast-moving plans. Despite having a lot of energy and enthusiasm to progress things forward, you are now being faced 8 of wands reversed multiple obstacles in your course.

This is incredibly frustrating and you may be growing increasingly impatient by the day. Keep looking for alternative ways around the obstacles presented so that you can carry out your plans.On the flipside, the reversed Eight of Wands suggests that you are charging ahead with an idea or plan but you need to slow down and consider your next steps before continuing. You may be missing something in your haste and prone to making mistakes. Similarly, this card can be a sign to hold off your activities for a short amount of time until the situation becomes more stable and predictable.You may also be prone to having many, many ideas at the one time and not knowing which to pursue and when.

Just as you get started on implementing one idea, another one comes to mind and you quickly switch your focus. The trouble is that with this approach, you never actually accomplish anything because you are jumping from one idea to the next without finishing any of them. I�m a professional Tarot reader & teacher, intuitive business coach and spiritual entrepreneur. I help purpose-driven people live an intuitive life with Tarot as a guide. Read More� FREE TAROT TUTORIALS JOIN US� Latest Posts� Justice with Sarah Barry� How to Interpret Reversed Tarot Cards Without the Doom and Gloom� BTP43: Modern Day Tarot wi

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